Wednesday, December 01, 2010

i slept in a freezer

this was posted on FB by a fellow student (JoeC) yesterday:
Ohmaigod, today's weather damn [insert curse], was like [insert degrees], almost [insert over-exaggeration]. Still have [insert subject] control [insert date].
as a comment on his post of how everyone in Moscow will now be complaining about the weather on FB. lolx. like i said, its so so very very cold now. in fact, my fingers are cold now as i type. but he is not so far off mark, we really have been posting such things along a similiar format on our Walls. *rofl* thumbs up to Joe for the observation!

today is the official 2 month anniversary of our arrival. and we got. . .

!!!! i think because we have been so annoying for the past couple of days, and (like Joe says) all we are talking about these days are how cold our room is. (it is really really very cold IN MY ROOM) the wood parquet flooring does not help now and the cold heater (what an irony) is just killing us. whoever says that hell is hot should try this out.

and thus, Tze Yang dropped by today with our present =)))) [THANK YOU SO MUCH. . . ]

we sneaked it in because we are not too sure if we are allowed to have one in the room. but on the other hand, we are fast reaching our limits and as they repair the heater (so they say) the temperature drops equally fast if not more.

bright side: it is expected to rise again in another couple of days! (i can't wait)

*swt* now i sound like i am giving a weather report. *lmao*

anyway, we plugged the portable heater in this morning itself and everyone wanted to sit next to it and not move. XDD
it felt so darn good that i got hyper and started camwhoring right away. which of course, started the other two off.

i think Hazel looks awfully sweet in this hairstyle! she thinks it makes her look like a little girl. I stand by my argument. what do you think?? =)))

and elise tried out her cap. the cold finally got the better of her, and she bundled up well this morning. she also started the morning off by walking like a penguin! *roflmao* from her bed. to the bathroom. and out.

when i was next to the heater that is.

for now, the heater has been transferred to Jay's room (the whole floor is experiencing the same problem. and the 5th floor is also complaining already *sigh*) and so i am a little cold here. (thank goodness for the hoodie from ah Yee)

which reminds me, i have CHONG MUN YEE to thank ♥. the thermals and fleece hoodie has saved me a lot of times in this short period of time. *hugs and kisses* thank goodness you got me fleece!!! i would have been ziying-sicle already if not for them!

so, last pix for today. my BioOrg sarked so bad i am planning to resit it next week. (i hope she doesn't blast me off for that) excuse the beginings of the panda eyes. studying for BioOrg last night. and bed was too cold for a good sleep *curls into a ball* hence my fishing during class today (i know i know! its bad!) XD

gotta go and study for Bio tomorrow. =) take care peeps.
and to my Moscow friends, don't freeze~~

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