Friday, December 03, 2010

2nd day on the High

=.=" my 'high'-ness from last night didn't wear off. even though i thought it would, after a period of prolonged hibernation. i just couldn't bring myself to stick my out of my triple-layer blankets. seriously warm inside. and sadly freezing outside. =((( so today was definitely choco-balls XD (as was the friday of the week before last)

we were supposed to get our student cards today. so me and elise went off (still on high mood) to frunzen's. where we found out, no such thing. the cards are still not ready and the next date for us to collect is next wednesday. great, so we kinda like wasted the time. and Met trip. *grrrr*

on the way back, we snuck off to Kiev's (okay okay, fine, we planned that beforehand. . . *evil grin*) where there's this mall (i think its call the European Mall, and don't ask why) there were like so many people on the Met today! we very nearly gave up the idea and just went home. but then again, since we Were in the mood for a little walking today, me and elise went ahead with it anyway. =)

there is a definite christmas feel in the air, alright. you can tell from the decorations, and the carols wafting out from various sources..

this is one of the first shops that you will see when you get out from the Met entrance (there is a way into the Mall from the Met without walking in the freezing wind *grin*)

this, is a chocolate shop =))) its not like we went in, but we took the pix just cos we liked the name. XD
check out the christmas tree. and the Fererro Pyramid near the door.

and of course, the strands of it hanging around on the ceilings. geez, looking at it can make a girl salivate!!! =(

we were not going to buy anything actually. *hehehe* the plan was actually to just stroll around, and basically window shop. oh, we also discovered the Accessorize here. its a really very nice (EXPENSIVE) shop selling accessories and girly stuff. so far, there's like a branch in, like, almost every shopping mall that i have visited. but this branch is probably by far the biggest =)))))
this is their display window.

did i mention that we dragged Jay out with us? (even though it is a girl's night out. XDD) dinner was texas chicken (again) where the cashier asked us if we speak English. *rofl* me and elise were like, wow, he just spoke to us IN ENGLISH. XDDD

ph, and check out what was Jay's dinner.

can't see clearly? look again.

yum yum, burger and beer =.=" yes, in russia, you can get beer with your burger or chicken (they have their version of KFC here *swt*)

ice-cream~~~ their ice-cream looked cute on display actually.

that's me camwhoring with Jay's Mango Ice-cream while he checked out the price of the X-Box360. (honestly, did no one ever told him its dangerous to leave Lee ZiYing with an Ice-cream in hand????) lolx.

this is the clock in the Mall. err, it is a little like a cross between a water fountain and a clock, but yea, it tells the time. not that i am very sure how to read it yet. but i guess i'll get to that the next time i visit. (if i am ever that bored. XD)

i have no idea what fairy-tales have to do with christmas, but they set up this ginger-bread house replica. and i thought it is looks like it came right out from 'Hansel and Gretel'. (erm, maybe minus the friendly-looking, cute rodents around it)

i couldn't resist taking the pix. XD seriously high-ness from yesterday not wearing off.
anyway, its already 3am, and i am starting to feel like someone just pounded my encephalon and therefore, its time for bed.
now where is elise. . . (probably stil at her BF's room, with that horror movie going on =.=")

nites peeps~~ (or rather, morning!!!!! ^^) and have a chillaxing weekend!! (mine is almost packed with events, again =.=")

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