i don't think i could have participated in a CG that required so much of me ever since the first one that i attended in this freezing place. *thinks* i cannot say that its negative. but because it was the pushkin CG that did the praise and worship, it really made me reflect on how much or how little right do i have to be there.
their worship session is where everyone truly upholds their faith with all their hearts. it is the right thing to do, because we cannot give half-heartedly. i mean, come on, i am hardly religious. and the faith that i have? not in myself, but not in someone specific up there either.
so, my very mixed reflection on faith aside, [this is just no fun right?] there's more things that crossed my mind this week. *thinks*

our hearts, patience and willingness to sacrifice is our gift to others. would you still give out this present as willingly if you knew that there is no one to receive it? and what then? would you leave the present out while people just walk over it?
like for example: [i had a really good time getting updated] i miss my friends. and eventhough they are so sunny, they too run into clouds at some point in life. i also realised that i like to be of use, i adore helping them. as i try my best for them, i too sometimes wish that i will have that one personal champion. *laughs* so while we're still taking orders, i don't think that's too much now, is it?
[and Sheryn, don't introduce me another softie, no matter how good-looking he is]
did i mention that my vocal range just went down a whole tone? i sound like. . . well, more like i AM having flu. that's one of the reasons that i ditched a day of class this week. but its mostly clearing up, thank goodness for that.. it is an annoyance when you cannot hit the correct notes, and i do not care if i sound 'sexy'.. i like my own voice much more *sniff*
another really good one: i need to wake up on time.. here, you wake up late, you won't make it in time for class. and being me, i'd rather not go than be late [*irritated* its futile to glare at my insolence] so yeap, 3 days outta 5 is bad. because i know that i can do much better than that..
so goal for next week: be on time for all classes while doing my anatomy colloqs =)
what's yours?
sincerely till next week..
p.s. i have been hearing about ppl getting sick left right center. ALL OF YOU, WHEREVER YOU MAY BE, please be sure to take care of your health!!!
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