the pavement outside even has tiles bearing the shop's name..
the interior is really very beautifully decorated, almost like a garden with that amount of greenery on display.. i like the ambiance of the overall effect..
on hindsight, i really should have whipped out my camera at the food section.
Grabli works pretty much the same way as Mumu Cafe where its like a buffet and you pick out what you want. there will be waiters and waitresses to hand out servings of your choice.. however, at Mumu's you work your way down the line starting from starters, soups, salads all the way right up to dessert and then drinks.
at Grabli's you start with drinks and desserts. or rather, everything is arranged haphazardly. and you can really just walk right past the desserts and go back after you've taken your entree..
after eyeing the whole selection of desserts, i picked out a baked apple [cos it looks so nice when Alyssa attacked her..] and blueberry pie. if i remember correctly, elise took the chocolate cake [i hear that it pales in comparison to the one from Starbucks though] my verdict: the baked apple is insanely YUMMYLICIOUS!! the pie was just so so..
though this place is a not cheap by any means, but the food's good. for that baked apple, i definitely will go again! *mouth waters*
Novokusnets is one stop away from the green line station intersecting at Ohoni station.. so its not very far from classes. there also seems to be some kind of tourist spot, a church i think, in the vicinity.. not that we got to see it.. maybe some day =)
since we're talking about desserts now, [sorry. can't help it.. this is one of my favourite parts of a meal]
what's your favourite dessert?
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