Thursday, March 24, 2011

sun and snow

is a clash of elements in my opinion. but it is most beautiful for so contrary a thing..

i is me. you is you.. because we are two very different people.
you and i, we are both capable in different things, like different things and have different personalities. we are both human. and we made that one same mistake at different points in life.
just because we were given the same sound advice, doesn't dispel us from making mistakes.

so what if life didn't turn out as expected?

i think, when on the receiving end of wise words, esp from the experienced, we take it lightly or doubt the truth of it.. when we are handing it out ourselves, we struggle with how best to say it.

isn't that just so like youth to believe in their so called wisdom and immortality? and continue to make mistakes and learn we will. for Stevenson has so said:
"our business in life is not to succeed, but to continue to fail in good spirits".
of this, i feel that i have much to learn. that's not to justify oneself when we did not try hard enough, though. it is to tell us that
"everything's going to be all right in the end, you know? if it isn't all right, then its just not the end yet!"

among various inspirations: is a blog post that i came across last night titled "what i'd say to my 16-year-old self". i have not an idea who this person is. but the title really caught my attention, for i have always wondered about the same thing.

i don't like that phrase "play a part"
it sounds so. . . fake? superficial?
i do something because i want to, and because i can. nothing to do with "a part", because i am just being me. i certainly am not "playing a part" like some act. mostly because i care enough to, you idiot.

gosh, do i sound old and boring today *yawn*
sorry for that! was inspired during odd hours at day break today. can't help my rapidly wandering concentration while studying for anatomy last night..

one more day to the weekend, y'all.. hang in there! =)

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