to those who have always bothered to hang around, i owe you all a big thank you. for being so awesome to keep checking when i hardly post, that's very sweet.. thank you for still supporting me..
so how did your valentine's day go? ^^
i have been very very active on facebook of recent months.. and therefore, posted most of my 'public' activities there. so yeah, there hasn't been much that's private about me anymore eversince russia..
[what d'you expect? i live in a hostel, rooming with 4 other people.. we share a public bathroom with the rest of the floor and one small toilet between the 5 of us.. lolx.. thank goodness elise's one of them!]
it has been fun so far, if a little scary.. cos i have never been really good at hiding my real emotions and thoughts.. and having them spelled out so clearly frightens me sometimes.. is this really really how i feel? yes. do i want to feel this way? no, not all the time.
i feel really bad about what i think and feel sometimes.. childish, immature..
can't say i've been really kind and nice to my poor roommates at all really..
and most of all, sometimes, i really feel like going home.. i should've been a better sprinter seeing as i run so well from all my problems.. *grin*
some friends of mine seemed really sad about being single, [its Valentine's], or about being away from home. . .
but being single is worthy of a celebration as well! ♥
either way, i hoped that your valentine's was an interesting day. if not, at least you spent it happily with friends.. because we love our friends.. and also because we don't need to be with a special someone to have a happy valentine's day..
just like how i really appreciate and love you all who are reading this now. *hugs*

i have physics and general chem tomorrow, both which i really dislike. plus the fact i cannot do my phy homework cos i am ignorant of the law.. [not in text, not in lecture.. *arrrggghhhhh!*] as if that's not enough, i even have PE to boot.. *bleahhhhh*
*Phew* done complaining~~ *serene smile* nites peeps!
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