ain't the same without you. . .
right, this is really so overly belated. . . i was planning to cheat again actually (adjust the dates *lolx*) but then again~~ back to the topic at hand, how i spent the 25th of December 2010.
it was held in Pushkin Hostel which means experiencing the travel that students there go through daily. considering the height of my heels, i had to get a room to change. luckily, Yunn Li stays there! *phew*

the decorations are really pretty. and this is my favourite one^^

kaichi was emceeing with some other guy (i think it was Eugene? or something that sounded like that. i don't know the guy well, never heard of him before the night in fact. XDD) all i can say is, kaichi is a natural emcee so. . . it rocks!!!! =)))) can't wait for his next foray in March [he is still not saying what is it. . *hmph*]

YunnLi is really really pretty when she dresses up^^ thank you so much gal for letting us use your room [gosh, they are really very strict on visiting hours and the like. so it was a bit troublesome of us to use her room..] ほのとうにありがとうございます!
check out more of the pretty decor~~ i sneaked pix when i could. and while everyone was watching the performances. they were good, don't get me wrong. but you know, when i see something, it just feels right to take a picture of the moment =)

actually, i took many many pictures of the night. but, since it is really crazy to upload all of them here (i don't see the point of doing it either) they are all on my
FB ^^ i will admit guilty to leaving one or two pictures out [if you know what i mean. . . *grin*] but that's it. honest!

me and my darling Tree^^

pix with my favourite totally rocking and hot senior, Alyssa =))) in case you can't tell, she's the one in red [what other colour will be able to express her hot-ness? XD]

with tisu [okay, that is NOT how you spell her name, but that IS how you pronounce it. and how she always introduces herself. i still remember doing a double take when i first met her. *lolx*] i ♥ this picture! did i mention that she has a really good voice? ^^

with hazel, one of my 4 roommates. i realised that i never did get a full length pix of myself! this is the closest you'd get to that. not that you can tell how tall my heels really are.
i will tell you this though. i fell/tripped THRICE that day. well, once with the heels on when i was walking down the stairs to go home. because i wasn't paying attention [yes, this is one thing i noticed about myself and heels. i need to really concentrate after a certain period], i really just tripped on the stairs. lolx. i think i was busy staring at ITeng who was walking UP the stairs then. *rofl*
the other two times would be caused by the ice. *sigh* it was a really embarrassing week. XD i cannot seem to stop falling down stairs! *lmao*

this is TzeYang who was supposed to arrive in Malaysia at the time of the celebration. he said he wasn't going to be there. but he did go and even gave me a little something to do. . .

like unwrapping 10 layers of wrapping paper [yes, we calculated. there were around 9/10 of them] of my gift. even requested that elise video me unwrapping it. i know that ikea gives out free brown paper for wrapping but think of the TREES sacrificed next time okay???

but thanks for the gift anyway^^ i really did like it. [and so did a lot of people i realised. sexay won't stop hugging it when he came down to lepak. nareen liked it too *swt*]
i also got earrings from my roommates, a special music box filled with strawberry tea from darling Elise, and BLUE fishnet tights from Alyssa. thank you, you all!!! *xoxoxo*
last camwhore of the night.
i hope everyone had a blessed Christmas =))
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