it was a little crazy towards the end when you get people rushing about cooking in the kitchen and so on, and we started like about half an hour late actually!
then there was KaiChi rushing back with brownies from Alyssa [heavenly *melts* this hot girl can also bake very well!]
we kinda made him emcee again and i remember Jay was like "where's KaiChi?? its positively dead in the room without him!!" *rofl*
and we have Ms.Laura to thank for our makan-makan session! spasiba^^ she allowed us to have our guests over [the Kuzmin guys actually stayed overnight] and let us use the study room as well. she's a dear ♥!
check out KaiChi's expression and Sexay's too!
the loser is punished with a chosen catwalk style. and yours truly was told to catwalk "with the Sunsilk hair-flip" *swt-ness* it was darned embarssing.. *grrh*
why is it that i couldn't get anyone to smile for me??? *sobx* even KaiChi succeeded weh!!
me and Jay.. we took one initially spontaneously.. but it was really blurred [my hands were shaky *sigh*] the first was much cuter actually.. ^^

and besides, its not like we have anything else to do since we ducked out of the second game [ducky ducky by, none other than KaiChi]
Gan and Kayley slow-dancing.. such cute punishments *awww*
and more camwhoring..
elise and Matt checking the door to see if the game is over yet..
and look at this:
Sexay hiding underneath the table during the second game. right next to where Amanda was standing. who knows, maybe he was admiring her hot legs *wink wink* *rofl* i am being really baddd ^^
i forgot to take a pix of the good food [too busy eating]. it was such a shame that Alyssa couldn't make it, but Shane mentioned that all this pot-luck was really malaysian and for that night, it kinda felt a little like we were back home =)))
there was the cleaning up after that as well to think of, and lots of thanks to the Kuzmins for staying back to help [ah well, they did have the ulterior motive of the afterparty as well *grin*]
no pix of the after party, cos it is totally crazy.
i really do miss home.. =(
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