Friday, December 17, 2010

how can you tell. . .

if someone is in a bad mood?

my package arrived a few days ago.. now to figure out when best to pick it up from the post office.. yes, you have to pick up sth that is just 266g, from the post office.. XD

view from the train station today..

my day started crummily.
i got up 10 mins before we had to leave for class cos i slept at 6 something in the morning. (okay, that was a crazy thing to do, i admit)

so, with a more blurred brain than usual (i am already pretty blurred usually, so you can probably imagine how its like) i went for PHYSICS class. *roll eyes* somehow, i still managed to understand most of what the teacher is talking about, though it was a challenge.
then, i got "lasered" for something that is really so minor that i would have never thought about it. *sigh* seems like i am getting told off about my personality A LOT recently.. ah well, trouble makes me ME.. if you get what i mean..

sorry, still slightly on the blur here. and i have to get up early tomorrow, lots to do. truth is, i a not sure if i even should sleep at all tonight.. when i think about the mountain of things that is waiting to be done. . . *wince* my fault..

maybe i am just a little tired today. after last night, and today's excessive shopping.
i bought boots today^^!! an ankle length with heels for 700 rubles. that is RM70.. and of course, grocery shopping plus finishing my christmas shopping.
therefore, i am BROKE~~ lolx.

the huge christmas tree spanning almost one floor and another half, in Fili ( that's the Mall a couple of Met stops away from us)

my wrapping mess.. i finished all of it.. (not that its a lot..) now only the messages left.. *tired*

we bought a mini christmas tree. well, KaiChi paid, me and elise did the choosing and decorating.. XDD
TIRED.. going to sleep i think..
will do whatever that requires my attention TOMORROW. (yes, procrastinator) i am brain tired, okay?? (i seriously suck at this lah.. staying up late, i mean) no mood to go cut onions much less study and do my notes..
nites~~take care you all..

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