it seems for me to have a super disappointing day in the inital period after landing in domodedovo.
like the one i had yesterday. ah well, can't do much about it any more. and "should have been"s or "if"s sure doesn't help my case.. OR my mood.
now, if i were a mantou [a kind of chinese bun], then i probably won't be so bothered.. cos i won't have any 'fillings'.. righttt, all that i can think of right now is some joke that one of my new hostel mates foisted on me yesterday while waiting in ikea. it was kinda sweet of him to try to entertain us who was sitting there like the bored statues we are.
so anyway, i've been back for a while now.. [i'll get around to my summer holidays] and we've just got wind of our new timetable. got books to take, lots of admin crap to settle. more luggages to take out of storage [which proved to be the most difficult part of it all.. who knew taking things out of storage could be so complicated] and a room to clean.
why am i not cleaning my room now?? cos there's like huge pile of luggages which are NOT MINE but is hogging about 90% of the space. and i'm not only talking about floor space. with class starting soon, i have a feeling i'd be cleaning while class starts.. *grrrr* the thought of it is a little very off putting already. the saddest part of it all is, it really is no one's fault. and because i really am so "understanding" i can't do nuts about it.
i really should learn how to keep quiet more.. it just might help the situation i guess.. *bleaaaaahhh* will be out later doing the admin crap and seeing if the luggage problem can be resolved. right now, i'm just expressing myself verbally in a rather polite if convoluted way online while loading pix on FB and waiting for the rest of the hostel to wake up.
did i mention i really quite like my new hostel situation? i'm still feeling a little wary, and i do miss my old hostel.. [creature of habit, so sue me] longer walk to the met, but i'm okay with it, for now.. even though i'm actually bunking in someone else's room.. though, i seem to have developed a really bad habit of swearing fluently since.. XD
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