Saturday, September 04, 2010

the tale of Three doctors. . .

i just had my 2nd Hepatitis B (HeptB) jab, like maybe a couple of hours ago. did you know that it is difficult to find a clinic that provides this immunisation service in Kemaman? i checked out Zainab (they told me they are out.) and Sina told me they 'cannot' do it. (which really irked mum cos what they actually meant was they don't have it at all! someone needs to get some BM classes. seriously..) finally, we just decided to check out the most Chinese community clinic.

that spot on me which was used as a dartboard still stings.. this really aches a lot more than it did when i had the first jab. would this be due to the doctor's skills ( or lack of it) or the fact that its the 2nd jab?? cos, this is really how i feel right now::
i feel like someone just gave me a black and blue arm!!! *grrrh*

here's the thing: when you get jabbed, there is a thin needle that delivers the fluid into you right? since there is only ONE needle, how is it that i seem to have TWO tiny puncture wounds on my arm???? geez.. you'd think it was a fang-mark. there is even a thin scratch line interconnecting them!

this did NOT happen when i had my first jab last month. (i got it done at grandma's place in the clinic of the super-nice-friendly family doc that does house visits for my grandad) it didn't even hurt as much even though my aunt dearest accidentally poked my arm after that.. i am almost wishing i timed it to be done by Unc Meng again.. T.T

and as for the third Doc, he is actually an ophthalmologist! when i told mum that i need an eye-checkup, she suggested that i go to the opticians. but since i am planning on getting contacts, i thought it would be better to get it done at Dr Wong's in Kuantan.

on the way there, i entertained myself with ZX's most interesting jelly Bears..

even the container is bear-shaped.. and since i love my teddies. . .

i just couldn't resist! ;))
ZX claims that we 'gobble' them.. and we do actually.. well. . . i know i did ^^

anyway, since the GH would take a couple of months (!!!!!) only to schedule me in, i got to visit my fave (one and only) ophthalmologist. i haven't visited him ever since i was a kid and he (of course) had no idea. even asked me when did i first started to wear glasses. (should've just told him, ever since i met you.. XD)

there is one thing about these two docs, they are very patient. erm, nothing like how sheryn describes doctors as.. =.="
for one thing, no matter if i ask them something (usually it is something they have in the room.. hehe) , they will provide me the answer. doesn't sound like your bored doctors at all, girl.. *grin*

for now, i am waiting for my contacts to arrive.. i do hope CK-kor gets it delivered before i leave for TI..

p.s. happy belated birthday to Naima.. sorry for being late!!! *deep bow*

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